WildLive | Deer roaring starts in Europe!
This is not the first time I have written „I feel lucky”. Our private nature reserve is not only diverse and beautiful (the kind of place where others would go on holiday), but it is also home to an outstanding ecological force. To take just one example: in 2024, we found Hungary’s rarest amphibian, the Italian crested newt (Triturus carnifex), here. But we have long known that it is home to one of the most beautiful deer herds on Earth, so we are always looking forward to the deer rut from the end of August. And, of course, the magnificent stags, like this young one in the picture, Edward was at the time (2021-2022). As soon as the rut starts, we will report about it regularly on the Cenweb Magazine website: www.centauriweb.hu | In the meantime, watch the film about our stags on Youtube!