
These countries pay the real price of plastics New report estimates low-income countries, despite consuming less plastic, incur a total lifetime plastic cost that is 10 times higher than wealthier countries. The structural inequities built into the current plastics value chain not only distribute the burdens of plastic pollution unequallyContinue Reading


Deutschland statt Afrika: Winterstörche melden | Weißstorch Der NABU will herausfinden, warum Weißstörche immer öfter in Deutschland überwintern | Weißstorch Berlin – Störche in Kälte und Schneeregen – dieses ungewöhnliche Bild ist heute häufiger in Deutschland zu sehen. Der NABU möchte mehr darüber herausfinden, warum Weißstörche zunehmend auch in DeutschlandContinue Reading

food systems

European farmers protested for better food systems While the Council presidency and European Parliament negotiated about the regulation on nature restoration and before the decision of the renewal of the approval of glyphosate, 250 protesters from the Good Food Good Farming movement took to the streets of Brussels. Under theContinue Reading