These countries pay the real price of plastics
These countries pay the real price of plastics New report estimates low-income countries, despite consuming less plastic, incur a total lifetime plastic cost that is 10 times higher than wealthier countries. The structural inequities built into the current plastics value chain not only distribute the burdens of plastic pollution unequallyContinue Reading
Dumfries-shire man given community payback order for ‘serious’ bird poisoning offences
Detective Inspector Dean Little, Senior Investigating Officer at Police Scotland, said: “Wildlife crime can be complex to investigate and difficult to prove in court. In this case local…Continue Reading
Deutschland statt Afrika: Winterstörche melden
Deutschland statt Afrika: Winterstörche melden | Weißstorch Der NABU will herausfinden, warum Weißstörche immer öfter in Deutschland überwintern | Weißstorch Berlin – Störche in Kälte und Schneeregen – dieses ungewöhnliche Bild ist heute häufiger in Deutschland zu sehen. Der NABU möchte mehr darüber herausfinden, warum Weißstörche zunehmend auch in DeutschlandContinue Reading
How the Lynx is silently spreading all over Europe
The Eurasian Lynx once verged on the brink of extinction, having been hunted until less than 700 individuals remained in Europe by the 1950s….Continue Reading
Turtles stranded on UK beaches after storms send them off course
„This winter has seen a surge in the number of turtles stranded on beaches across the UK and the Republic of Ireland, according to… Continue Reading
Floating Island
It crossed Bird’s mind that the storm had carried him further southwards, but for that to be the case he would have had to be carried out of the…Continue Reading
The canary test | Short story
It was impossible not to worship her. Everyone did indeed adore her, and the whole world waited for the countess herself to be happy at last…Continue Reading
Casimir Spieler | Short story
Casimir commenced work on a dark, earth-shaking work—a horror novel straightaway. Only before long he was seized by the misapprehension that.. Continue Reading
Trifling matter | Short story
Dr Titus Bánhegyi reckoned he had managed to identify the area of the brain which is responsible for sensations of emptiness and hopelessness… Continue Reading
WildLive | Deer roaring starts in Europe!
WildLive | Deer roaring starts in Europe! This is not the first time I have written „I feel lucky”. Our private nature reserve is not only diverse and beautiful (the kind of place where others would go on holiday), but it is also home to an outstanding ecological force. To takeContinue Reading
Britain’s new census: mixed fortunes for seabirds
According to the survey almost half of seabird species that breed in Britain, Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Isles have declined over the past twenty years…Continue Reading
European farmers protested for better food systems
European farmers protested for better food systems While the Council presidency and European Parliament negotiated about the regulation on nature restoration and before the decision of the renewal of the approval of glyphosate, 250 protesters from the Good Food Good Farming movement took to the streets of Brussels. Under theContinue Reading